Wednesday 7 July 2010

Steampunk - The New Black

So this is my current project, a little bit of Steampunk to brighten up the Source world.

I've been doing a little research, and in my occupation that usually involves watching loads of movies and drawing shit. so I've been watching loads of movies and drawing shit.

My plan is to mimic the Atmosphere and sort of, environment of a great Steampunk short, The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello. And here's a picture or two to give you an idea:

The story revolves around a navigator, consumed by a mistake he once made which got someone killed, and so on. Loving wife, bla bla.. ...So he goes on a voyage, and the entire movie is set on these mysterious gravity defying airships and the visuals are just STUNNING.

So anyway, the whole thing is set in this sort of Steampunk type world, but without to much attention given to the world surrounding the main characters, cue my entrance.

So I've started experimenting with various things, lighting, contrast, and trying to get a sort of endless fog underneath the map, which is giving me the most trouble of all.

First Attempts:

These are still pretty awful, it's really hard to latch on to a completely different environment style, especially one so completely stark and almost 2D as this is, so bear with me as I delve deeper into this style and work on the methods to bring it to life.

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This is my personal favourite, and the closest I've come so far, I've been improving upon it, but the func_dustclouds I'm using to create the fog effect underneath are causing the engine some problems when I scale the func_dustcloud brush to encompass a larger area and add more particles to the mix.

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...I'll be back in with any progress on this, as it'll be my little pet project to work on whenever I get a free moment, which right now, isn't very often.

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