Wednesday 7 July 2010

Bit of a recap.... Or whatever..

So yeah, bit of a "Here's one I did earlier", a small project, and one of the few I've completed.+

Taken from Facepunch Forums 17th April, 2010.

Uh... Yeah, my map started a few days after the competition began, with a few rough ideas floating around my head, I had already chosen to do something along post-apocalyptic lines if the theme allowed anyway, the film Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome inspired me, anyone who's seen it may recognise some parts of the map.

Now with sketches:

The sketches turned into a few rough plans, I wanted to have as much detail as I could in this map, so I tried to add this to my drawings to see how I could achieve it realistically, without overfilling the player's view.

When I finally got into hammer, I didn't start with the terrain as one usually would, I began with what you could call "set pieces" which I could later place into my terrain to fill it up, the segments in my drawings accommodated the method quite well. Here you see them in various stages of development..

Once I had my terrain "hammered" out, (hehe) I proceeded to procrastinate about textures for at least a week, I just couldn't make up my mind, I finally mixed a couple of blend textures and made a few hybrid blend textures, simply pointing to existing textures.

This part took the longest, the final stretch from almost completion to actually finishing my first, yes first map. Lighting, I found was key to setting the scene, and I took time to perfect it, sound was also an issue, I needed a realistic soundscape to envelope the player, I don't think I've got the hang of them yet, as I didn't get to use any custom sounds or find any truly fitting ones for my map. The skybox was also pretty tedious, I probably should've redone it, as it isn't quite as 3D and unnoticeable as I'd hoped.

And Now we get to the present, my map at its present and final stage to be exact...

...Hope you enjoy: These are my final screenshots.

All in all, I simply can't spend another minute on it, it feels pretty much complete to me, a few minor glitches, which are barely noticeable. There are areas that I think could have done with a little more time, but with the deadline approaching I didn't want to get to deep in half finished areas. So this is, it... Hope you all like it.

Also, I've hidden Gnome Chompski somewhere in the map, he's visible from within the playable area so there's no need to noclip to find him... It's not hard, really.

...And here's something I might do if I ever open up the vmf again...

So that's the blast from the past, I'll be a little more up to date from now on....

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