Tuesday 24 August 2010

....Back From the Dead.

...And everything else for that matter.. But Now, I'm back with a vengeance!
I have plans, see, and they're progressing more successfully than ever. Fancy a clue? Well, lets just say, they involve water, lots of water.

But first, what've I been doing with myself? (now now, no dirty thoughts...) Well, a great many beginnings of things, and not much else... Apart from a little something more on my previous developments:

So I offered the Star Wars Gang a little help:

...Which didn't go anywhere, at all.

A couple of other little projects included a futuristic bar, complete with funky blue lighting and a spiffing animated door:

I liked these, it was a really nice texture pack from Facepunch and I loved spending time tweaking the lighting and its effect on the brushwork.. It's not as easy to perfect low level lighting in Source, shadows and lights tend to be more tricky, but I think I nailed it nonetheless.

Another project I'd been working on was a little RTS type thing, which was goin well, but didn't get very far:

Not that I didn't enjoy playing with brand new custom textures I'd designed myself, I just found the relatively plain layout and design a little constrained and tricky to keep interesting. It didn't look too bad in some areas, especially the bridge, and the rocks models a friend made for the cause.

And back to my latest caper, how's this for a little teaser:

Anyways, back soon with more updates, hopefully sooner than the last one, hehe.